Keeping Soft Friends Soft: The Ultimate Guide to Plush Toy Care
October 4, 2023

For many of us, plush toys are more than just inanimate objects – they’re companions from our childhood, tokens of memories, and even, for some, friends who have weathered countless storms. Like any cherished item in our homes, these cuddly creatures require care and attention to ensure they remain soft, clean, and intact for years to come. In this article, let’s delve into the world of plush toy maintenance and discover how you can keep your soft buddies looking their best.

The Basics: Keeping Them Clean

No matter how protective you might be, it’s inevitable: plush toys will get dirty. Dust, oils from our skin, accidental spills, or just the wear and tear from frequent snuggles can lead to a less-than-pristine toy. For general cleaning, a gentle hand wash using a mild detergent works wonders. Immerse the toy in cold water, gently agitate to clean, and then rinse thoroughly. It’s essential to avoid wringing the plush, as this can misshape it or damage its internal structure.

Special Stains and Spot Cleaning

Every plush toy has its battle scars. Whether it’s an ink stain from that one time it played ‘Office’ or chocolate smears from a movie night, targeted spot cleaning can come to the rescue. Using a soft cloth dabbed in mild soapy water, gently rub the stain in a circular motion, moving from the outside of the stain inward. Be patient and persistent, and remember: the key is gentle persistence rather than aggressive scrubbing.

Drying Matters

After a wash, it’s tempting to throw plush toys into the dryer. Resist this urge. High heat can be disastrous, causing shrinkage, melting synthetic fibers, or even causing glued parts to come loose. Instead, opt for air drying. Lay the toy flat on a clean towel in a well-ventilated area, reshaping it as needed. Remember to turn it over occasionally to ensure even drying.

Storage and Preservation

If you’re a collector or just have some toys that you’d like to keep in top-notch condition, consider their storage. Avoid places with direct sunlight, which can fade colors over time. Also, ward off damp areas to prevent mold. For those extra-special plushies, consider placing them in acid-free storage boxes with packets of silica gel to absorb any excess moisture.

Dealing with Wear and Tear

It’s natural for a much-loved plush toy to show signs of wear over time. Maybe it’s a loose thread, a small tear, or a button eye that’s gone missing. A basic sewing kit and some matching thread can work wonders in restoring your plush to its former glory. For more significant repairs, you might consider seeking the services of a professional teddy bear hospital or a skilled craftsperson.

Safety First

When dealing with plush toys, especially those meant for young children, safety is paramount. Regularly inspect toys for any loose parts, like eyes or ribbons, that could pose a choking hazard. If any parts do come loose, ensure they’re securely reattached or removed entirely.


Plush toys, with their soft exteriors and comforting presence, hold a special place in our hearts. By investing a bit of time and effort into their care, we can ensure that these delightful companions remain with us, evoking warm memories and providing comfort, for many years to come. Whether they’re heirlooms, collectibles, or everyday snuggle buddies, a little care goes a long way in preserving the joy they bring into our lives.